Web Design Awards

Web Design Awards

During my study at secondary school, I took up web design as a hobby and entered several web design competitions. Here are some of my noteworthy successes since then.

Science Museum STEM Project 2001 – winner

The STEM Project was an annual competition whereby participants had to create an electronic educational resource which complemented one or more exhibits at the Science Museum. My entry – an educational resource about the sun – took first place in the competition.

New Scientist “Site of the Day”

The aforementioned site was featured as New Scientist magazine’s “site of the day” in August 2001.

European Space Agency competition – winner

This was a European media competition open to entrants from all countries of the European Union. My submission was joint winner for the United Kingdom, and went on to represent the United Kingdom at an international conference at CERN in Switzerland.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) competition 2000 – finalist

This was a web design competition open to UK participants only. The aim of the contest was to produce a web site on the theme of 21st century engineering. I designed the site, while 2 colleagues wrote the content.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) competition 2001 – finalist

I entered the same competition one year later as an individual effort and again reached the final of the competition.


‘Award-winning’ is a term that certain unscrupulous web designers (or any online businesses, for that matter) can add – be it hyperbolically or fraudulently – to their site to improve their credibility. I encourage potential clients to check my credentials. With that in mind, here is a link to a press release by Carmarthenshire County Council regarding my successes.

With the exception of the STEM Project website, these sites were not (and are not currently) hosted online; rather, they were submitted on disc for the judge’s consideration. The site submitted to the STEM Project was a non-commercial site, and was only eligible for the competition as such. However, without a source of funding for hosting it was not financially viable to continue hosting the site online, therefore the decision was made to take the site offline in 2004.