I appreciate your thoughts and comments, however due to an increasing number of profane, spammy or otherwise unwelcome comments being received, I’ve added this comment policy to the website. Please adhere to this set of guidelines when commenting here.
- External linking in your comments is only acceptable if it’s relevant to the post and your comment. Indiscriminately linking to external sites is a big no-no.
- Profanity in your comments is not sufficient grounds to delete them, but I will censor them before publishing.
- Abusive or defamatory comments will not be tolerated.
- Stay on-topic please, this is not a forum to discuss pornography, poker or erectile dysfunction medication.
- Keywords in author names are reviewed on a case by case basis. Provided your comments adhere to the points above, your comments will be approved.
I, and any other moderator of this website, reserve the right to edit or delete any comments, without notice and without reason.
Now, having said all of this…
I thoroughly appreciate guests adding to the discussion. I hope that these guidelines will help you – and everyone else – enjoy reading and contributing to this site just a little bit more.
I am not surprised. I have been editing a web design blog for almost two years now. Although I completely understand the importance of participation and the value it can bring to a website or blog, unfirtunately spam makes moderating comments a time consuming task. While I think it is completely OK to benefit from back link in the comment, it should be a give and take relationship and should only be expected in return for adding something of value.